For those who wish for a deeper exploration of the "Kings of the Ring" show, we welcome you to "Breaking Kayfabe". Where we "break kayfabe" and reveal the inner workings of each episode of Kings of the Ring with a behind the scenes breakdown, and analysis, along the lines of "Talking Dead" or "The Game Revealed".
Breaking Kayfabe Eps 1: "The Eulogy"
The following contains spoilers for Episode 1. (however no spoilers beyond Episode 1.) If you haven't already, please listen to Episode 1 "The Eulogy" from HERE, or you'll listen to this and be like "huh? what is he talking about?"
Breaking Kayfabe Eps 2: "Wrestling Night in America"
The following contains spoilers for Episode 2. (however no spoilers beyond Episode 2.) If you haven't already, please listen to Episode 2 "Wrestling NIght in America" from HERE​,, or you'll be completely lost and confused.
Breaking Kayfabe Eps 3: "One Night in Tulsa"
The following contains spoilers for Episode 3. (however no spoilers beyond Episode 3.) If you haven't already, please listen to Episode 3 "One Night in Tulsa" from HERE​, or you'll listen to this and not have a clue what the heck is going on...
Breaking Kayfabe Eps 4: "The Chi-Town Rumble"
The following contains spoilers for Episode 4. (however no spoilers beyond Episode 4.) If you haven't already, please listen to Episode 4 "Chi-Town Rumble" from HERE​, or you'll listen to this and be gobsmacked!
Breaking Kayfabe Eps 5: "Aftermath"
The following contains spoilers for Episode 5. (however no spoilers beyond Episode 5.) If you haven't already, please listen to Episode 5 "Aftermath" from HERE​, or you'll listen to this and be like huh???
Breaking Kayfabe Eps 6: "Donny Does Puerto Rico"
The following contains spoilers for Episode 6. (however no spoilers beyond Episode 5.) If you haven't already, please listen to Episode 6 "Donny Does Puerto Rico" from HERE​, or you'll listen to this and be like hey wait a minute, what's going on here?
Breaking Kayfabe Eps 7: "An Indecent Proposal"
The following contains spoilers for Episode 7. (however no spoilers beyond Episode 7.) If you haven't already, please listen to Episode 7 "An Indecent Proposal" from HERE​, or you'll listen to this and be like wait what??
Breaking Kayfabe Eps 8: "The Night it All Went Down"
The following contains spoilers for Episode 8. (however no spoilers beyond Episode 8.) If you haven't already, please listen to Episode 8 "The Night it All Went Downl" from HERE​, or you'll listen to this and be like ... whutchu talkin' about Willis?!!!
Breaking Kayfabe Episodes 9 and beyond ...
The remaining episodes of "Breaking Kayfabe" beginning with Episode 9, will be permanently housed on the official "Kings of the Ring" Patreon page at www.Patreon.com/KingsOTR, along with other benefits, for becoming a Patron.