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The characters of the Kingsverse are based on the archetypes of wrestling history to represent all the important roles. Some may seem quite familiar yet all will have their own unique personalities and histories.

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                     NEW YORK                        


A naïve California surfer kid, with the steroid enhanced body of a Viking.  Too passive and far too gentle to be the “top guy” for a cutthroat business like wrestling.  Despite living in the 80’s world of He-Man, Rambo, and Conan, Thor doesn’t grasp how his physical gifts could make him the biggest star wrestling has ever seen.  But that’s okay, Julian Cain does …


A cross between Steve Jobs, Gordon Gecko and Dr. Doom.  He observed his father, give his entire heart and soul to wrestling, which Julian took as leaving nothing for him.  A bitter seed that grew into resentment towards his father and his friends who ran the industry.  Julian looks like a Wall Street trader with the demeanor of a Monarch, but behind that handsome face, silver tongue, and impervious exterior, lies a man emotionally stunted and crippled.  He is not morally admirable and does not have a heart of gold.  Yet he is charming, intriguing, passionate and someone you are constantly hoping will change and make the right moral choice. Even when he never does…

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donny gold


 The limousine ridin’ jet flyin’ bleach blond, sunglasses and suit wearing Donny Gold is the best wrestler in the business, its top ticket seller, and the World Champion of the entire Alliance wrestling in ALL territories.


 Yet the bravado of his wrestling persona, womanizing, and his constant seeking of fame isn’t rooted in ego or arrogance, but rather a way to mask his fear that while “Diamond” Donny is the star of stars, the man inside: Donald Goldman, is completely worthless.  His desperation for mainstream acceptance will make him a major pawn in this war.


Despite looking like the blonde-haired “dream girl” of the 80’s, Kitty is a “tough as nails chick”, just as smart, outspoken, and cranky as her father, co-owner of the Atlanta Territory, an old gruff called Bruiser Bob.  She not only manages the career of her husband ‘Beautiful’ Barry Lovelace, who plays a flamboyantly gay character in the ring, but is part of his act as a ringside valet.  She also keeps a straight razor in her garter for any promoter trying to stiff her on a payoff or any horny wrestler or fan, fool enough to cross the line with her!

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A legendary babyface and former Olympic wrestler, Charlie Gotch co-created the World Wrestling Alliance along with Jonathan Cain to preserve and control the wrestling world. The President of the WWA, Charlie has established his American Midwest Wrestling as the largest geographic territory in America covering all of America west of Ohio and north of Texas.

If there is anyone in denial of the changes in America in the 80's and new ideas for wrestling, it is Charlie Gotch, who stubbornly refuses to change. After all if ain't broke why fix it?

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The face of a model on the physique of a bodybuilder, Michael was born to be a superstar, yet it’s the last thing he ever wanted.  But with his gifts and his father Burt Ironside, the crusty old bigoted owner of the “All-South” Territory, he never had a choice.  The suppression of his true feelings about women and the business, combined with a lifetime of physical and emotional abuse from his overbearing father has worn his esteem to a nub and his constant desire to escape from this reality has created a drug addiction that grows by the day.

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Leroy broke all color barriers as the top box office draw of the 70’s throughout the deep South with his undeniable charisma, Jim Brown toughness, and John Henry gentleness. 


Through Leroy’s journey we not only see the racism in wrestling in those days, but also an aging veteran who under normal circumstance would be able to retire comfortably.  But for someone who was so financially exploited, he has no choice but to continue pushing on, despite his body falling apart.


This crusty old Texan was the ultimate man's man and ruled the All-South territory for over a decade as its top cowboy hero and later as promoter and owner using Leroy Brown and now his sons the Angel Brothers. 

His sons were born with natural looks and athletic ability he pushed them straight into becoming enormous young wrestling stars, regardless of what they wanted. His abusive ways and intolerant and harsh personality place a continuous wedge between he and his sons, but making money for the territory is ALWAYS the most important priority.

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The Atlanta Territory’s enormously charismatic “everyman” headliner, Jesse not only resembles John Wayne, but strives to live by the same moral code portrayed in the movies. 


As a natural leader with a high wrestling IQ, and someone Jonathan Cain considered like a son, Jesse, one of the top Bookers in the business will emerge as one of the principal rivals to Julian Cain in this War.



Young Daniel inherited the Carolina Wrestling Association when his pioneer mother died a few years back. Truly lacking in any backbone, strength of character, or any true knowledge of wrestling, Daniel is not only a true blue wrestling fan, but the only one left in the wealthy Hawkins family who likes wrestling at all.

Daniel will always defer to others on any real wrestling decisions, as he lives out his wrestling dreams of running a company, even if he's in way over his head.

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For 1984, the 5'10" 220 pound Bobby Rivers is severely undersized for the wrestling business. However he is incredibly athletic with a keen sense for in-ring innovation, looks good, and is in great shape. And he knows it.

His edgy rock star looks are often over the head of his wrestling bosses, but Bobby will continue to be what he is.



The estranged nephew of Burt Ironside, Criss' dream is to be a part of the pro-wrestling business. Fresh out of college, he developed a relationship with Jonathan Cain before he died and is now being shipped off to Dallas to be with and learn from Uncle Burt.

Without a tough bone in his entire body, will Criss survive and will Burt endure him?

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                     NEW YORK                        

Buddy melrose

Hollywood is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, and the prototype heel that inspired Diamond Donny Gold and so many others. He's been the villainous face of the AMW (as well as a behind the scenes force) for almost two decades and the long-reigning champion. But he's 48 years old and trying to pass the torch to someone younger, but Charlie Gotch won't let him, because he hates change. Buddy sees potential in his young tag team partner/bodyguard Thor Hansen, but Charlie refuses to acknowledge Thor's potential who represents everything 'new' about wrestling.

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The Pride of Persia, the Marvel from the Middle East, he is Prince Abdullah Akbar! A renowned shooter and prized protege of Charlie Gotch, Abdullah has been steadily rising in the Empire State Wrestling Federation to be a main eventer for Jonathan Cain and hopes to be World champion. fueled by the power of his enormous bush of pubic hair!

But his ultimate dream is for his daughter and wife to be freed from the strife in Iran to be with him in New York City.

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The "older" of the twin Angel brothers, Gabriel has always been Michael's guardian, watching out for him and protecting him from their father's domineering ways. In the ring, while not as large or charismatic as Michael, Gabriel is a wild force in the ring and is just as happy with his wife and kids on their Texas ranch as he is in an arena full of fans. The most laidback of all the Ironsides, Gabriel does his best to keep peace amongst everyone.


Nicknamed "Hercules" from a young age due to his natural raw-bone strength, this Southern boy got to live out his dreams as a professional wrestler ever since seeing Leroy Brown live in person as a teenager at the Omni in Atlanta.


He's become a hugely popular wrestler for Charlotte's Carolina Wrestling Association, forming an immensely popular tag team with the "Hawaiian Hunk" Tommy Aloha, where he enjoys being so beloved by fans of all colors.

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After serving in the U.S.Army like his father and grandfather before him, Corporal Punishment found wrestling to be a natural way for him to pay tribute to the military lifestyle he grew up in and to express his love for America.

An impressive athlete with a naturally kind and good personality, he is enjoying his run in the Carolina Wrestling Association as a featured babyface, but would love to be the main event one day!


barry lovelace


Beautiful Barry preys on the homophobia of the 80's to get heat with the fans, acting flamboyantly extra, which only enrages the fans even more when he is accompanied by the gorgeous and evil Miss Kitty. This duo is one of the hottest acts in the country mainly because of Miss Kitty's TV star looks.

Outside the ring, this portly redneck is married to Miss Kitty and is quite used to the boys snickering at him behind his back since he wouldn't even have a career without Miss Kitty, because of his limited abilities and physical skills.

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Givens is viewed as one of the best and most reliable workers in all of wrestling, but has consistently lacked the charisma and mic skills to be a star.  Part of a large wrestling family, Givens knows it all, but has failed to put that skill into making his career anything more than that of a journeyman.

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dan sanders

A top shooter protege of Charlie Gotch who became a champion for Jonathan Cain's Empire State, what Dan lacks in charisma, charm, and mic skills he makes up for in technical acuity and legitimate wrestling knowledge. Plugged into Jonathan Cain's mighty promotional machine in the Northeast which draws no matter what, Sanders has been a fine and worthy champion that the people view as credible and believable. Even if not very inspiring or exciting, he is extremely humble and kind which is respected by the fans.

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                     NEW YORK                        

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One of the true pioneers of the wrestling business responsible for shaping the sport for decades, including setting up many of today's major territories and overseeing the formation of the World Wrestling Alliance. Feeling there is nothing more to be done in the wrestling business, the elegant Brit is already looking to leave to be a full-time producer in Hollywood, after being the wrestling bridge for so long.

This would keep Nigel as silent partner with Les Henderson and Bob Walker as the trio own Southeast Championship Wrestling out of Atlanta, the only territory on this new medium called cable television with WVBS.


The affable Georgian was a NCAA Champion turned pro and veteran of the sport, who's since hung up his boots and is co-owner of Southeast Championship Wrestling out of Atlanta.

Not the brightest bulb in the box, but has real ideas and knows his wrestling. Often a punching bag for the bullies of the sport, Hendo's heart is always in the right place and will do what he thinks is best.


© 2023 Kings of the Ring by Mana Sports Media. 

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